Pankiewicz Cider Mill

Fifteen years prior to being bitten with the fruit passion, Stan Pankiewicz worked in a nearby apple orchard. He started there in 1969 and worked for several years for an elderly man named Harvey. It was a way for Stan to make a supplemental income for his growing family. It turned out to be a learning experience into the wonderful world of fruit growing.

Stan started planting his own trees in 1972 and still adds to them each year. To build his customer base, Stan contracted out to a local mill the pressing of his apples into cider. He did then as he does now supervise the blending of " just the right" apple varieties to give his cider "just the right" taste. In 1984 he built the cider mill that stands today.

Tours available September and October. Mrs. P's handmade pies, fresh produce. Large selection of pumpkins. Icy cider slush, home of the yummy donuts. Quiet country setting, we make cider every weekend. Open mid-Aug through Oct, daily 10 am to 5pm; weekends only in Nov.

Pankiewicz Cider Mill
10377 Lindsey
Casco, MI 48064
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